Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last 3 days!!

Last 3 days have been eventful.I had a great time on saturday night with her. But Sunday
was gloomy. I didn't know what to say. Finally decided to quit the call. I think
maybe because of that she did call me very late yesterday night. I waited a long time and went to
sleep. She called at that time. And after sometime when i came back from sleep she did not respond to my messages. I
did not want to call her because you never know when she might be talking with her mom or dad. I did not
want to ruin her time. I was disappointed that i could not to her. I could not even sleep
properly. The feeling of not being able to talk to her and make her happy and see her laugh
was haunting me like hell. I had already promised myself i would never ever hurt her again. No matter
however she ignores me. I ignored every others for talking with her. Even my work sometimes.
I know that is not right. But i don't think there is anything more important to me than her happiness.
I am her greatest lover or i hope i am. The pain of she ignoring me does hurt
sometimes but i don't care about it. She ignores me because she might have found soemthing else which
might be making her happy. And my goal is nothing else otherthan seeing her happy.
Saturday night was really good. I saw many times her laughing. And it was one of the pleasant moments of my life if not
the best. I am losing myself. I don't know what will happen when she goes away. I will
surely restrain myself from doing anything harm. I hope so. I will still live like this.
Remembering all these wonderful times i spent with her. I think she kinda knows i like
her. Atleast she has a doubt. She keep questioning me for that. But i dont want to give away.
I know it will be very difficult for her to choose me. So i don't want to trouble her
with that sort of a dilemma. It will stay as it is and me as well.

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