Friday, January 29, 2010

Play still going on!!

The play is just going on as always. Whenever she says playfully you are singing for me
i denies. I just didn't give up. I wanted to, But i could not. She is a fantastic girl
and that idiot is bugging her still. I don't know how to react to that. I am pretty sure
one day they will unite again and i will have my way out. That is the mindset. Once
we get something more precious than the one we have, We will ignore the older one.
I talked her also about it when she said she will never ignore anyone. The fact of the matter
is everyone does. She also did to me as well. That was one of the most horiffying days of my life.
Which is why i wanted to stay away from her for a while. But i can't, i just can't.
I know i am gonna get hurt in this game but i still don't want to miss the days with her. Its so precious. When she asked me to marry her ie kidding ofcourse, i dunno for a moment i thought "wow how nice it would have been if she had asked me that in real". Well i know anyhow where i stay with her. Her dialogue of i have better one to patao says it all about me for her. But still i will love her forever and will be her greatest love ever. I know she will never get to know about it. But loving someone dosen't mean you have to be with them. You just have to know they are doing good and happy all their life. Its about making them happy. Its about helping when they are in misery. Its about watching them enjoy in joy. She will never know all my songs was for her. I deny all her talks about me and her and i dunno why maybe to help myself counter the pain which am gonna have once she goes away which is inevitable. She clearly said she wanted a guy upto 24.It was funny when she said it. But did make sense as well. Its always her choice and her wish which should prosper. I tried to like someone else. But both did nto work out for me. i just couldn't, this was the girl who is for me even if she is not with me, i will still have her in my mind and nothing soothens my mind better.Shes the one girl i could ever love in this world. I feel like crying like a small boy now. But i can'y i am old. And old peopleshould not cry even if their dreams are shattered. Dumb logic this is, i know. Hmm..hopefully everything goes good for her.

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