Friday, February 12, 2010

Comic idiot is the name

Well the name atleast has got its worth. Comic idiot will always remain so. The name was worth atleast by today. I got to know where i stand. All those hope i had has gone out of the window. The thing i feared just did happen. I dunno why i misbehaved. I can never be the same again.I hope she is just alright and be happy. I can never be with the same anymore with her. I hate being myself nowadays. I don't know what to do. I am really pissed off with all this. I knew it was gonna hurt. Once the night unfolded i knew how it was gonna fare off. And it has turned the same way as well. So what next, As i said try to forget everything. I know its not gonna be easy almost impossible. But i hope it should not be at all.

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